Custom Sports Mouthguards Near You

Dental injuries are among the most common sports injuries. Athletes that don’t wear mouthguards are 60 times more likely to suffer mouth injuries. Football is the exception: mouthguards are required in both high school and college. They prevent over 200,000 injuries each year, according to the American Dental Association.

Mouthguards reduce the risk of mouth, face and jaw injuries, as well as broken teeth. The basic types of mouthguards include:

• Stock – Sold in most stores like Walmart, Big 5, and sporting goods stores. These pre-formed guards do not offer molding capabilities, may not fit well, and therefore reducing the effectiveness/protection.

• Boil and Bite – Also sold in stores like stock mouthguards, these fit a little better. You can boil these in water and then insert them in the mouth to form a unique mold.

• Custom-Fitted – Mouthguards that are custom-made are the most expensive but offer the best protection. These are designed and made in your dentist’s office or a dental lab. They are likely to provide the most comfortable fit and the best protection. Your dentist takes an impression of your teeth and then constructs the mouth guard over a model of them.