Your Child’s Primary Teeth

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Your Child’s Primary Teeth

Your baby’s primary teeth can start appearing as early as five months, and by the time they are one year old, they have usually sprouted six baby teeth (typically the top four teeth in the front and the bottom two).

Your baby’s first teeth are mostly used for biting food and not for actual chewing, that is, until the molars show up, often during their second year. By the time your little one is three, all 20 of their baby teeth (10 on top and 10 on bottom) erupt in pairs – one on each side of the jaws – and stay put until your child turns six or seven.

Baby Teeth Eruption Chart

When their teeth start to erupt from their gums, you can help soothe sore gums by rubbing gently with a cool, moist cloth or gauze, or have them bite on a cooled teething ring.

The Importance of Caring for Primary Teeth

rimary teeth aren’t just temporary space holders for their permanent teeth, they actually play a crucial role in the development of your child’s smile. Losing baby teeth too soon can allow the surrounding teeth to shift and interfere with adult teeth trying to erupt. Primary teeth also help your child develop proper speech as their tongue and lips touch the teeth to enable them to pronounce words clearly. Primary teeth also allow good nutrition as they chew food and break it down for proper digestion.

You can care for your baby’s primary teeth by doing the following:

– Brush or clean teeth daily. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends cleaning your child’s teeth with a rice-sized amount of fluoride toothpaste to protect erupting teeth.
– Provide a nutritious diet for developing teeth and limit sugary foods and beverages.
– Take your baby to the dentist by the time they are one. Brush your child’s teeth until they are between six and eight years old as then they will have developed the manual dexterity necessary to brush teeth correctly. You can teach them healthy habits by letting them start the brushing process and you finish it.

Primary teeth start to fall out around the age of six as permanent molars erupt in the back of the mouth. By the time they are eight, your child’s permanent teeth may erupt in the front and by the time they are 13 their remaining adult teeth come in, the last being their third molars or wisdom teeth.

We would be happy to answer any questions you might have about our primary teeth and to arrange a consultation with you Dr Antonio Lopez. We offer child dentistry, kid dentistry, and pediatric dentistry in Kennewick, Pasco, Richland, and all of the surrounding Tri-cities areas. Call our Kennewick Washington office today at 509.579.0759